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cougarThe U.S. Postal Service Honors NASA Planetary Discoveries with 2016 Stamps. http://t.cn/R4i5aIQ 美国今年将发行系列邮票纪念NASA的行星科学探索成就,包括新视野号飞掠冥王星

[评论]   2016-01-02 18:31:07 通过网页

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cougarNASA's NICER delivers best-ever pulsar measurements, 1st surface map. See a focus issue of ApJL: 网页链接

◎ 2020-01-02 17:12:37


◎ 2017-01-02 23:38:41

cougarHint of new boson at LHC sparks flood of papers. In just 9 days, 95 papers were posted on arXiv about tantalizing results. Nature.2015.19098

◎ 2016-01-02 17:27:42