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cougar研究与开放共享发行网络ScienceOpen于2013年由Alexander Grossmann等在柏林和波士顿创建 www.scienceopen.com 其文章不仅开放获取,而且创新性地采用了发表后在线同行评审,颠覆了现行期刊的匿名评审制度。爱因斯坦5篇伟大论文均未经同行评审

[评论]   2016-04-01 16:33:15 通过网页

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The Wuhan city travel ban in China combined with the Level 1 national emergency response limited the number of confirmed COVID19 cases to 96% fewer than expected in the absence of interventions, by day 50. Read the new study in Science: 10.1126/science.abb6105

◎ 2020-04-01 17:03:24

cougarOne day in Osaka. Got the contract in the morning. Raining aftre noon. Search a cheap house. Sakura outside the window. Miss you in wind...

◎ 2010-04-01 19:47:48