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cougar给点阳光就灿烂,赛过活神仙 ~O~ 摄于奈良公園内猿沢池。猿沢池在五重塔附近,是兴福寺的放生池。池水倒映出五重塔的婀娜身影,是奈良八景之一。

[评论]   2010-11-26 16:53:32 通过网页

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cougarScientists find evidence of missing neutron star from SN 1987A 网页链接 ApJ.886.51 Since nobody could find it, different reasons were advanced for why it wasn't there. Some wondered if SN 1987A formed a quark star instead of a neutron star. Another theory suggested that a pulsar was formed instead, and that its magnetic field was small or unusual, preventing us from detecting it. A third possibility was that gas and dust fell back into the neutron star, collapsing it into a black hole. A more prosaic explanation was that it was there, just obscured by so much gas and dust that we can't see it. 现在最后一种解释可能更靠谱了

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